Dave Schaffner shares a look at an upcoming project on his radar for the coming year.
Well, maybe what’s old is new now, or maybe just potentially for some ‘Orc Skool’ gamin’, but having missed out on Battle Masters when it first came out in 1992 (it was advertised as a kids game back then after all), I’m now making up for lost time.
Geesh, these Milton Bradley/GDW Battle Masters sets were loaded with goodies….and baddies! Really, wasn’t this fantasy battle gaming at almost its purest form?
Thirty years on, here’s a revival project I’ve got on the burner – with a newly-textured fleece mat, and lots of new painting, these old plastic figs will be taking on new life (and coming back to the tabletop sometime in 2024)
What is on your workbench and what do you have planned for 2024? Let us know!
Thanks to Kevin for getting this project update posted, and to Powell for making these Battle Masters sets available – he kept really good care of them over all these years!
I think it’ll be fun rolling this game out again. There were a few expansion sets sold in Europe in the 1990’s, which included a points-build guide for buying units, like in Warhammer, and this is what I’ll use for presented games with in the future.
My current painting goal is to get a Greenskins army built (that’s almost done), and to start work on the Imperial side next.
This will leave the cool-looking Chaos army of warriors and beastmen figs needing some paint – and who knows, maybe somebody in the area might get interested in painting up their own army to bring along to our game days – the figs are still available, reasonably priced at times on ebay (and I’ve got extra figs and their stands too).
If interest grows, I can order another fleece mat printed up, so we might have multiple games going on at our Big Muddy events!
Looks like fun.
Thanks Glenn!
After so many years of putting on multiplayer scenarios, I’m seeing the one on one, casual-style games like Battle Masters as perfect for that fun gaming afternoon. Easy to play, good for replays, and maybe have a few tables set up smorgasbord style.
A Nightmare before Christmas – the neat OGRE model from the set with some paint and new basing treatment –
Looks Great!
Battle Masters was my first minis game as a kid. Love to see this project and these minis getting paint (mine never did!)
Will, it was great to see you at the last games day!
This Batlle Masters project will be played in the future at some of our Big Muddy events, so really hoping you can check the game out again in the months ahead.
Take care.
Dave Schaffner