April Game Day Two 04/28/24 – Impact Game Center, Fairview Heights, Illinois – Inaugural Event

If you didn’t make it to our Inaugural Event at Impact Game Center in Fairview Heights, Illinois on Sunday 4/28/24 you simply missed out on a great time with previews of games for our upcoming Barracks Battles @ DieCon 2024. You also missed out on enjoying the spacious and luxurious setting that establishes a new standard for in-store gaming facilities but I will simply let the photos tell the story of our superlative event.

Our GMs setting up their tables. Thanks to Dave Schaffner, Patrick Connaughton, Les Hostetler for bringing their well crafted games to this kick-off.

Jon, Dave & Dale catch up before enjoying Dave’s BattleMasters game.

Tom V, Rich S, Steve L get into action in Patrick’s game “The Battle of The Atlantic”.

A look at our combined information table & Godzilla Island Game that will be part of the upcoming Family Game Project for DieCon 2024.

Big Muddy’s new banner which you will be seeing at our upcoming events.

The action heats up in the Atlantic.

The BattleMasters Game getting underway.

A view across the gaming are where we set-up. This represents about 25% of the available gaming table space.

The Mighty Cannon picks a target in the BattleMasters Game.

Pat checks some ship stats for the players.

Godzilla Island gets underway as the players pick out their movement cards.

Godzilla & the Albatros piloted by Les exchange pleasantries.

Jon’s two seater takes a shot at the creature.

Dave’s Spad is tailing Les’s Albatross while Jon’s two seater is in close with Godzilla, the triplane trailing close behind. Dale’s Nieuport 28 can be seen in the upper right.

The fog banks have cleared on the table. Rich & Tom converse while Pat assists Steve.

Dave got a second round of BattleMasters in during our session. Introducing a new player to our group and our style of gaming.

Jon got an assist from a DDR (Designated Dice Roller) as this charming young lady save the day for him with some outlandish rolling. Looking towards the rear of the gaming room one can easily see the available space with sturdy tables, comfortable chairs, gaming supplies to the right, a full store in the front of the facility as well as an extensive selection of beverages and snacks.

Overall this was a wonderful environment that is easy to reach from anywhere in the Metro area. Just across I-64 from St. Clair Square Mall at 49 Ludwig Drive, Fairview Heights, IL. We extend a Sincere Thank You to Mike and the entire crew of Impact Games for hosting our event and look forward to scheduling in more gaming in the future at this fantastic Center for Gaming that will certainly have a positive Impact on our community. I encourage all of the members of Big Muddy Historical Gaming Alliance and our overall community to give this spot a serious look.

4 thoughts on “April Game Day Two 04/28/24 – Impact Game Center, Fairview Heights, Illinois – Inaugural Event

  1. Kevin, thanks to you for getting us out to this new Pt. Of Impact.

    Impressive place, and the games looked great……..Oh No, Godzilla! :)))

    1. Dave,
      Appreciate your running the Battle Masters Game and participating in our inaugural event at IGC!

  2. Wow, nice space. Might need to travel there to check it out fot gaming product.

    Glenn “Zorro” Wilson

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