Semi Regular Retirees Game 10/31/24 – Epic Scale Kursk

It was a great afternoon to game at this Halloween gathering of the Semi Regular Retirees game as we ventured back in time to the battle fields of WWII Eastern Front and the Kursk Salient as presented by David Harrison.

Kurt L, Pat L and Andrew B took the part of the Soviet defenders of the villages and farmland awaiting the German (Tom S, Greg D and Steve T) onslaught.

Tom moved forward with his recon elements and came across some entrenched defenders that Kurt had placed to bring their movement to a halt using David’s unique rules on reconnaissance. This placement did slow the advancing recon, but also triggered the main German body with Greg and Steve soon arriving on the table with a significant force.

With the main body arriving the action point system became very critical as players had to balance the various challenges presented to them. There were just not enough points to get everything done that you wanted in too many cases.

Some of the action up close.

Great looking figs!

Overall a great afternoon of gaming with lots of twists and turns during the game. Thanks to David for presenting this challenging scenario. Thanks also to the great players and the staff at Miniature Market Cave Springs for their support.

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