Semi Regular Retirees Game 07/11/24 Dawn of Iron and Attack on a Cahokia Farmstead.

The gaming action ran across two tables today at our Thursday game session. Starting out with an ACW Ironclads scenario by Gregg Dieckhaus we saw the Union flotilla engage Rebel shore batteries and forts as they made an effort to clear the embankments of the pesky emplacements.

Mark J took control of the boys in gray ashore and afloat while Pat L, Hannah W and Kevin F bravely ran the guns in their ships to silence the Rebels. Above Pat explains a few of the rules to new player Hannah as Mark looks on, pondering the size of the force about to arrive.

Here we see Hannah conning the USS Galena into position to unload a board side upon the nearest Rebel battery early in the game.

The battle had its twists as we went through some 9 turns seeing the Union ships arrive and pummel the Confederate batteries and fortress. In the end it was a Union victory surpassing the historical results as described by Game Master Gregg.

Our second game was a run through of Attack on a Cahokia Farmstead using One Hour Skirmish Wargame Rules. This saw new players Hannah (Settlers) and Bryan (British Native American Allies) square off as the forces collied.

Gregg D watches as Bryan moves his Native forces forward while Hannah’s settlers take to the walls of the farm and await the fate about to befall them. In a battle that swung back and forth wildly depending upon the cards and the timely (or untimely) arrival of the Jokers we saw three Natives and one of George Rogers Clark’s Virginia/Illinois Militia as losses. Happily for the Settler’s the end of turn card total accumulated quickly enough that the Natives spotted significant reinforcements arriving and chose the better part of valor.

As another treat Pat Lewis brought his Work in Progress of the Attack on Cahokia 3D Jumbo game and we got a look at both it and the Illinois Militia painted by Bob Alsop. The pieces are coming together and we are really looking forward to our October 19th presentation at the St. Charles Heritage Museum.

As always a huge Thank You to the fine staff at Miniature Market Cave Springs for their support.

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