Tuesday Night Gaming – The Lost Patrol

With a few weather delays hopefully behind us. Tuesday Night Gaming Kicked off at Game Nite on Watson Road this week with The Lost Patrol a British Colonial Era Game on The NorthWest Frontier using Bolt Action Rules by Warlord Games.

Patrick Connaughton completes set up for this intriguing scenario.

The locals are ready to take on all comers.

Lt. O’Hara seems to have gotten himself into a bad place and the crew for his field piece in the upper right corner are no where to be found with hostiles closing in from what conservatively be reported “everywhere”.

A bit of a rumble in the house as forces clash.

Patrick was kind enough to run me through a turn of this game and it was one that I wished I could have stayed to play. He did promise that it will reappear in the not tooooo distant future either for a Tuesday Night or another event.

Be sure to check the calendar for the schedule of things coming up on Tuesday Nights it is a great looking schedule. As Always Thanks to the fine staff at Game Nite for their support.

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