Reindeer Wars Day One 12/26/24 The AWI Battle of Trenton

Steve Lowry brought out the big guys 54mm today for this seasonally appropriate visit to the War of Independence Battle of Trenton. Rules were Fistful of Lead Bigger Battles.

The Patriots serving the wake up call to the sleepy Hessian forces (cleverly disguised for our game in red coats) occupying the town were under the command of Steve T, Chris K, John N and Bill D. Their goal was to remove the enemy and hopefully prevent any from escaping.

Team Hessian was under the command of Mark J, Pete P and Burt C with each roughly running one of the blocks of buildings in the town with the goal of foiling the Colonist’s plans or at the very least escaping across the river.

Chris K goes over some rules with Steve.

The Americans moving on the town as the Hessian Commanders look on.

The action got up close and personal early on in the battle as the defenders engaged the lead Patriot units. Above we see both units with dead (rubber bands) and shock (blue dice) the cotton balls designate units that had fired.

Patriot artillery got into action covering a unit routing behind it to a hoped recovery.

Some Hessian units making for the exits as the American advance has heated up.

Near the game’s end with an American Victory over a vastly reduced Hessian force.

American firing line at a fence.

Thanks to Steve for a great game presentation and to all the players today. We also extend our appreciation to the fine staff of Miniature Market Cave Springs for their continued support.

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