Epic Battlefields 12/21/24 ACW Cavalry Battle at Fleetwood Hill. Battle Cry

Saturday 12/12/24 saw Dave Schaffner presenting the Battle of Fleetwood Hill, Virginia showing us a slice of the Cavalry Action at Brandy Station.

We will let Dave provide the after action report.

The guys rode all over Fleetwood Hill, Virginia on Saturday, shootin’ and slashing away as they played this newest episode of tactical Battle Cry.” 

Pete, Chris, Eddie, Steve, Burt all took a cavalry command and charged into the scenario based on a section of the Brandy Station battlefield of 1863.

We dialed in the scenario to the finest degree, and it’ll now become part of a 3-game portfolio ready for presenting again coming the New Year.  Thanks to the guys for all their horsing around, at this session of our Epic Battlefields’ Big Muddy event.

Thanks Dave for this great game and AAR. Thanks also to the fine staff at Miniature Market Retail Superstore – Cave Springs for their continued support.

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