Dave Schaffner presented another of his superlative Epic Battlefield Series at Miniature Market Retail Superstore – Cave Springs on Saturday 11/16/24. This included two games of the American Civil War focused on the actions in and around Antietam using Battle Cry Rules He generously sent along a few pics and added a description of the action that day so we will turn it over to Dave’s comments…..
“Some stellar ACW commanders engaged in a little EPIC action mid-month this November, at the local Cave Springs’ Miniature Market store.”
“There were two regimental-level scenarios featured – The Cornfield at Antietam, and Fox’s Gap (which was fought a few days before Antietam). :
“ I’ll let the pics bring ya’ll into the tabletop action here, but can say – we’ll be doing it all again NEXT MONTH!“
Thanks Dave for presenting this superb looking and certainly interesting historical scenario for the group! As mentioned we will see more Epic Battlefields coming in December at Cave Springs on Saturday 12/21/24 starting at 10am so make your plans to attend, you won’t be disappointed.
Thanks as always to the fine staff at Miniature Market Cave Springs for their support.