Semi Regular Retirees Game 11/21/24 Away Boarders!

We set sail today for our Semi Regular Retirees Game with a boarding action hosted by Steve Lowry and his mega sized ships representing the HMS Serapis and the USS Bonhomme Richard off Flamborough Head.

The ships fully entangled did not move for the scenario and the entire action was about the exchange of musketry and boarding parties going over the side.

The Serapis group of Tom S. Mark W. and Andrew B. took on the Patriots on the Bonhomme Richard under the direction of Pat L. Keith S. and Mark J. Rules were Fistful of Lead Bigger Battles.

Marines from both sides manned the fighting tops and exchanged musket fire with the hope of clearing their enemy and gaining their position from which they could hurl grenades down the open hatched below to clear the gun decks of their crews and win the game.

On the top deck the fighting was brisk as both sides boarded the other’s ship. Above we see Andrew’s party aboard the American ship just before being repulsed by the stern defense.

Mark J’s Marines had cleared the British from their lofty position and proceeded to toss grenade after grenade down on the deck never succeeding in hitting the hatch but did inflict a casualty or two in the process.

The players study their options.

The battle fully engaged! After cards were played they were placed upon the units to mark them as having activated that turn. It helped keep everything clear on the decks filled with action.

In the end the day went to the Royal Navy who despite Andrew’s dice generating nothing but “Shock” markers several turns in a row were able to clear the deck of the American forces. Only Mark J’s Marines were left in the stern fighting top of the Serapis and they were in such shape as to be ineffective.

Thanks to Steve for bringing out the big boats and giving us a real treat for a cold and windy afternoon.

Thanks of course to our great hosts at Miniature Market Cave Springs for their continued support.

And a few more pics

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