Reindeer Wars 2024 Day Five 12/30/24

Our fifth day of Reindeer Wars found us with a late afternoon two game session at the expansive Impact Games Center in Fairview Heights, Illinois. Steve King brought out his exquisitely painted 15mm figs for an interesting scenario of the American War of Independence which was a real treat to play.

Craig & Steve L took on the defending British while Les and Kevin commanded the Patriots attacking a farm.

There were even Native Americans paddling down stream in an attempt to flank the British line.

And Americans marching through a snow covered woods.

A good look at the overall set up as Les moves forward in the center.

Steve added some extra snow to really enhance the look of the playing field.

The Americans on the right advanced up to push the defenders away from the fence line.

In the end the game went to the British as the inexperience of the American team showed and a few dice rolls that didn’t pan out hurt. Overall great fun for us all.

Table Two was full of holiday spirit as several bands of Vikings were out finishing their last minute shopping at the mall in Ragna-Shop. A Fistful of Lead scenario with a Nordic Seasonal Twist by Ray Gluck.

Everyone gather round the fire while we let Ray tell you the tale of Vikings in the shopping mall on Christmas Eve……

It’s been a busy time of year in the raiding and plundering business, and this holiday found 4 bands of Vikings a bit short on their Christmas shopping. Each Viking band had their own secret shopping list and had to visit 3 of the 8 stores in the mall to complete their list.  Unfortunately, many items were out of stock at this late hour … so the shopping was bit cutthroat to say the least.

John Nozka opened the festivities by shooting Chuck Hansen’s archer from across the mall promenade on turn 1.  AJ Holko’s band ran straight for the escalators to get the second floor, thereby avoiding most of the bloodshed on the first floor.”

  Steffan Gluck’s band came in through the main lobby and ran the stair case to get the second floor to begin his shopping.  There was a great deal of melee action at the top of the escalator as Chuck completed all of his shopping but was then immediately attacked by John’s berserker.  John’s berserker was in turn taken out by Steffan’s berserker as soon as he got done with a short mandatory ‘bathroom break’.”

  “All the while, Steffan’s swordsman was stuck on the phone with his credit card company and effectively out of action for 3 turns.  In the midst of the chaos, AJ quietly completed his shopping and then sprinted for the door before the other players could intervene.”

  The game ended with John’s swordsman deciding to shop on line via Amazon and then engaging Steffan’s Huskarl in a two-on-one melee.  In the end, both Steffan and AJ completed their shopping but only AJ made it out of the mall before the game was called. “

There will be no lutefisk or smakaker served tonight at Chuck or John’s longhouses, and the children will be quite unhappy Christmas morning without their Tickle Me Swen dolls and other must have toys for the season.

Thanks Ray for a great game report and Thanks to Stephan for some superbly created 3D terrain in the form of this shopping mall. The game was great fun judging by the laughing and smiling faces.

Thanks to all our players who came out on this rainy evening and to Steve King and Ray Gluck for their wonderful scenarios. We also wish to Thank Impact Games for their continued support.

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