Reindeer Wars 2024 12/31/24 ACW Naval Attack on Fort Donelson.

Our final day of our Reindeer Wars Holiday Game Festival was held at the newly opened Miniature Market Rock Hill at 9755 Manchester Road. Greg Dieckhaus presented an American Civil War naval action of the Union’s move upon Fort Donelson on the Cumberland River in Tennessee.

For this scenario the job was up to the Union Naval forces in the area under the command of Jim, Steve and John with Greg serving as GM and commanding the defenses of the main fort and more forward water battery.

The Union armored vessels under Jim and John moved out ahead of Steve’s wooden ships to engage the defensive works.

The defenses blazed away at the approaching ships which returned the favor. The USS St. Louis lead a charmed life dodging shell after shell.

The ships have taken some damage.

The game ended with the Union pulling out a narrow victory having reduced the defenses just on the last turn.

Thanks to Greg and the players for joining in this Dawn of Iron scenario that was a practice for our upcoming presentation at The St. Charles County Heritage Museum in February. Thanks to the fine staff at Miniature Market Rock Hill.

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