July Monthly Game Day 07/21/24 “The Road Ahead”

Eddie Mosley shares his photos and an after action report of his WWII Normandy World in Flames game from our Sunday Game Day.

Here we see some great looking terrain setting the stage for the upcoming scenario.

“The Rangers focused the first 3 turns on the German machine gun nests. Both sides threw in the tanks to support the battle of the machine guns on the hill. Tanks dueled it out. Both sides suffered destroyed tanks.” 

“Last three turns the infantry assaults the last machine gun nest and fires into the grenadiers behind the bocage. Both sides slugged it out in hand to hand. The fighting became brutal and bloody.”

“The last turn saw the few remaining Germans fall back and giving the road up to the Americans. Was a very close game coming down to last stand checks for the Germans.”

Thanks Eddie for running such a great looking and well received game for our monthly gathering. We look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve next for upcoming games.

As always A Big Thank You to the fine staff of Miniature Market Cave Springs for their support.

One thought on “July Monthly Game Day 07/21/24 “The Road Ahead”

  1. Eddie’s scenarios are quite good – he knows his rules, and keeps the games accessible to whomever might join in (a successful formula).

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