Semi Regular Retirees Game Thursday O7/25/23 Wings of Glory WWII

A bit of a trip to the rather “unfriendly” skies over London during the Blitz as Mark Williams served up a bombing scenario for our Retirees Game on Thursday.

The attacking Luftwaffe force under command of Marty G and Steve L each with a DO 17 and an Me 109 faced off against the defending Pat L, Mark J and Kevin F in our Spitfire and Hurricanes.

The Luftwaffe’s job was simple, bomb the bridge as seen at the bottom of the photo. The defenders equally simple job was to prevent this from happening.

Things get up close and personal as the Hurricanes do their best to knock down the Dornier bombers. Some damage was inflicted, but the RAF came out on the worst of it all in pretty much every exchange as German gunnery was on target.

In the end the RAF was totally “skunked” with all three defending fighters shot down to no Luftwaffe loses. The bridge was taken out and it was not a good headline in the morning papers.

Thanks to Mark for running this challenging game and to the staff of Miniature Market Cave Springs for their support.

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