of The
Big Muddy Historical Gaming Alliance – St. Louis
Volume 6 Issue #08 (August 2024)
AugustGame Day West
Sunday 8/18/24
GM set up at 10am/Games at 11am
Miniature Market Cave Springs
1077 Cave Springs Blvd
St. Peter’s, MO 63376
The Battle at the TA Ranch
In 1892, a conglomerate of cattle barons in Wyoming hired a band of roughly 50 mercenaries and desperadoes from Texas to come to their territory and chase off the competing homesteaders. After murdering several leading homesteaders and attempting to intimidate several more, the mercenaries were confronted by a much larger group of lawmen and ranchers, and fortified themselves inside the TA Ranch house and barn. They desperately held out against attack for 3 days while the barons wired the president to get the US cavalry to intervene. Will they survive, or will the homesteaders have their justice?
25mm figures (2-6 players)
Tom Vielott GM
Epic World War II
Epic WWII – Task Force/Kampfgruppe-level combat on a realistic 5 km scale map, inspired by an action fought in Sept. 1944, as elements of the US 4th Armored Division approach the Meurthe River.
4X4X4 – four-foot battle area, for four hours
of engaging gaming for up to four players.
Miniatures (2-4 players)
Dave Schaffner GM
The Battle of The Little Big Horn
The famous battle of The Little Bighorn comes
to life on the table. Can you do better than George Armstrong Custer?
2-6 Players
Chris Ketcherside GM
Assault on a Cahokia Farmstead
The British Native American Allies are coming and in significant numbers. Can the few defenders hold out until help arrives? One Hour Skirmish Wargame Rules.
25mm Miniatures
Kevin Fitzpatrick GM
Weekly Gaming E-Update
Our “Semi Regular Retirees Email” has transitioned to a Weekly Gaming E-Update with information for ALL the games for the upcoming week. If you would like to have it arrive in your inbox just email info@bmhga.com
If you are holding a game that you would like to be included in the Weekly Gaming E-Blast just email info@bmhga.com with the details and it will be added to the list.
Breaking NEWS…Breaking NEWS….Breaking NEWS
Plans are in the works to begin a new monthly game day on the Third Sunday of the month at Impact Games in Fairview Heights, IL.
It is hoped to start with
Big Muddy Monthly Game Day East August 18,2024
and build an event base from there.
When Miniature Market Manchester is relocated we hope to return to a Saturday event schedule so that there is no overlap.
Ray Gluck, Tom Vielott and Les Hostetler are the current organizers for the BM Game Day East. Contact them directly or if you do not have their information send an email to info@bmhga.com and it will be forwarded to them.
***The Cahokia Project Update***
The Date is set for
Saturday October 19, 2024
at the
St. Charles County Heritage Museum
1630 Heritage Landing
St. Peter’s, MO 63303
10am – 4pm.
Our group is coming together to present
a combination game day & educational outreach effort bringing local history to the tables with five different games to be showcased.
The Attack of Cahokia
Three Dimensional Board Game The 11’x17”
map explodes to 4×6 feet as we see the battle
from a birds eye view watching
all the moving parts come together.
Pat Lewis Game Master
Action at Fort Bowman
in 54mm scale.
The center piece of the Patriots defense.
Steve Lowry Game Master
The Battle of Cahokia
in 28mm scale using Black Powder rules with
superbly crafted miniatures
and terrain combine to give the participants
a dramatic experience of the event.
Burt Campbell Game Master
The Attack on a Cahokia Farmstead
in 25mm scale using One Hour Skirmish Wargame Rules.
A single farm holding on against
the attack of numerous British Native Americans
hoping for help to arrive.
Mark Williams Game Master
The Raid on Le Petit Fort
in 28mm scale using Muskets & Tomahawks rules.
A post Cahokia event
occurring at what is now
Indiana Dunes on the shores of Lake Michigan.
Dave Schaffner Game Master
For more information contact info@bmhga.com
**The Display Box Project**
We know that there is nothing that draws the eye like superbly painted miniatures and our gaming community produces some of the best painted miniatures anywhere in the world! It is our plan to fill a portable display box that can be carried to our many events to not only show off the work of our members, but also to serve as a conversation starter with those visiting our games. To this end we are asking that YOU consider contributing one of your best painted miniatures to this effort. We will add labels describing the figure & note your contribution.
This will be coupled with a electronic photo frame showing pics of our many games from these last years to help draw potentially interested parties, helping to explain and expand our gaming community.
Our Facebook page is located at
Member Projects
Check out some great painting and hobby ideas at our Member Projects page
After Action Reports
Our After Action Reports are now be posted at our Website. Be sure to check there for some great photos and reports of the games you played in and the ones you might have missed. Be sure to send in your game reports!
A Note from Adam Jones
BMHGA Board Members & the STL gaming establishment;
Imagine my surprise when President David Harrison approached me at Barracks Battles at Die Con and handed me a name tag with my name on it, shook my hand, and told me that the board voted me the honorific of “Director Emeritus” in recognition of my stint as Member at Large and convention organizer.
I want to thank the Board and the gaming community for this honor. I considered the membership on the board and organizing the conventions as a labor of love. I enjoyed being a part of guiding BMHGA during my tenure. Organizing the cons were a wonderful way of connecting with all of the fantastic GMs that made our convention successful. I will say this; I have travelled to many conventions through the years, and I believe that our games presented by our GMs in the area are just as good or better as any games at the other conventions. This honor reassures me that my work was appreciated by my gaming family.
Thank you again for this honor!!!
Adam H. jones III
Director Emeritus
Official Notices
A Tip of the Hat
The Board of Directors would like to acknowledge the following members who have already submitted their membership donations for 2024.
Warren Burris, Robert Clark, Ray Gluck,
Will Hodgens, James Kantor, Jon Bancroft,
Harry Borchart, William Doelling, Kevin Fitzpatrick,
Mark Johnson, Edward Menefee, John Nozka,
David Schaffner, Keith Stuckmeyer, John Voelker,
Glen Wilson, Kevin Weber, Pat Connaughton, Jerry Merrill,
Bob Roby, Les Hostetler, Kenneth Widmer,
Mark Luechkenhoff, Martin Gallo, Edward Gray, Tim Lalk,
Ray Runge, Britt Eubanks, Eddie Mosey, James Broshot,
Greg Dieckaus,. Pat Lewis, Steve Lowery, Tim Lowe, Adam Jones, Mark Williams. Steffen Gluck, David Harrison, Orland Jones, Steve King, Edward Menfee, Richard Schumacher, Steven Treatman, Dale Wentz, William Ingrassia, Lance Western, Kevin Long
Big Muddy is on a roll due to your commitment!
Our Group’s New Email Box
Big Muddy Election 2024
Big Muddy Elections
coming in November
The Offices of
(4 year term)
(4 year term)
Board Member at Large (Director)
(2 year term)
are to be on the ballot.
Those interested in putting their names forward for these board positions should email
William Doelling at treasurer@bmhga.com who will be serving as our election official for 2024.
Flea Market/Garage Sale
For Classified Ads, be sure to check the Quartermaster page on our website at bmhga.com
Plans are in the works to enjoy an area wide Reindeer Wars between the holidays this year. Celebrating gaming, good times and friendships. With the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays falling on Wednesdays we plan to have games on Thursday 12/26 – Tuesday 12/31 with a different location each day on both sides of the Mississippi.
We need your photos
This monthly E-Newsletter is emailed to our list each month and posted to our Facebook page and website. Those online postings include a cover photo that we use to not only highlight the newsletter but to showcase member’s work. Send in your pics and at some point along the way it will likely grace the website and FB page as the Dispatches Cover.
Email to info@bmhga.com
Big Muddy Game Days 2024
If you are thinking of running a game please let us know as soon as you can do so in order to get the date(s) you prefer. email: Director@bmhga.com
Special Announcement.
Working with our hosts
Miniature Market Cave Springs
we have finalized a schedule for the remainder of 2024 which puts our game days on the Third Sunday of the upcoming months. We are now accepting GM requests for the remainder of the year.
Contact director@bmhga.com to submit a game.
August 18, 2024 Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
Table One Epic WWII Western Front
Table Two Siege At The TA Ranch
Table Three Battle of The Little Big Horn
Table Four Assault on a Cahokia Farmstead
September 15, 2024 Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
The Battle of Westerplatte 85th Anniversary – Bolt Action
Table Two Unassigned
Table Three Unassigned
Table Four TBA Overflow Assigned
October 4-6, 2024 Archon Gateway Center Collinsville
October 20, 2024 Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
Table One Unassigned
Table Two Unassigned
Table Three Unassigned
Table Four TBA Overflow Assigned
November 17, 2024 Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
Table One Unassigned
Table Two Unassigned
Table Three Unassigned
Table Four TBA Overflow Assigned
Command Con 2024 Date/Location to be Announced
December 15, 2024 Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
Table One Unassigned
Table Two Unassigned
Table Three Unassigned
Table Four TBA Overflow Assigned
Reindeer Wars 2024 Date/Location to be Announced
Contact director@bmhga.com to submit a game.
Local Gaming Events Calendar:
This information is also available on our website just use the Calendar of Events button on the right hand side.
Remember to be inviting to passers-by at public events. Let’s share our hobby with those who might find it of interest.
08/01: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm.
08/06: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
08/07: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
08/08: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
08/13: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
08/14: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
08/15: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
08/18: Big Muddy Game Day: Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
08/18: Big Muddy Game Day: Miniature Market Impact Games 12pm
08/20: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
08/21: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
08/22: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
08/27: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
08/28: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
08/29: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
09/02: Labor Day
09/03: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
09/04: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
09/05: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
09/10: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
09/11: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
09/12: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
09/15: Big Muddy Game Day: Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
09/17: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
09/18: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
09/19: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
09/24: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
09/25: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
09/26: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm.
10/01: Tuesday Night Gaming :Game Nite 6pm
10/02: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
10/03: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
10/04: Archon: Gateway Convention Center Collinsville, IL
10/05: Archon: Gateway Convention Center Collinsville, IL
10/06: Archon: Gateway Convention Center Collinsville, IL
10/08: Tuesday Night Gaming :Game Nite 6pm
10/09: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
10/10: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
10/15: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
10/16: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
10/17: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
10/19: Cahokia Presentation St. Charles Heritage Museum 10am
10/20: Big Muddy Game Day: Miniature Market Cave Springs 10am
10/22 Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
10/23: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
10/24: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
10/29: Tuesday Night Gaming: Game Nite 6pm
10/30: Wednesday Night Gaming: Fantasy Books & Games 6pm
10/31: Semi Regular Retirees: Miniature Market St. Peter’s 12pm
For all of the above events listed remember that you do not need to bring along anything to play as all items necessary will be on the table and ready to go.
If you have any suggestions for
Dispatches of The Big Muddy Historical Gaming Alliance – St. Louis
our Facebook Page, Website or know of someone who would like to be included in our email listings please feel free to let us know. The contact information is at the end of this newsletter.
To have your event listed please email
no later than the 20th of the month preceding the event.
While we strive to be as accurate as is possible all events listed are subject to last minute changes, substitutions and/or cancellations.
Website & Facebook Page
Are the places to check for the latest updates & news in our area.
Have you checked out our website?
Big Muddy Historical Gaming Alliance – St. Louis (BMHGA) strives to support and build the historical gaming hobby in the St. Louis Metro Area “By demonstration, presentations at conventions, schools. libraries, and other events, where the theme includes military or gaming.
For further information email: info@bmhga.com