Tuesday Night Gaming – 07/30/24 Blood & Plunder

Avast! Andrew Biedenstein sends us a few pics and a brief description of his Blood & Plunder action at Game Nite on Tuesday 07/30/24. Looks like the action was as hot as the weather outside.

“Some pictures from my Blood and Plunder game. English vs Dutch.”

Sea action which set two smaller ships against each other, with an exchange of gunfire before my English ran their bowsprit just in front of the Dutch mainmast. I boarded and wound up capturing the Dutch sloop.

Thanks Andrew for the battle report! It sure looks like it was a great game!

Don’t forget that we have a regular Tuesday Night group forming up at Game Nite on Watson Road. Dive in for the action!

One thought on “Tuesday Night Gaming – 07/30/24 Blood & Plunder

  1. That’s excellent!

    Looking forward to seeing Blood & Plunder played at the monthly events too, if possible?

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