Tuesday Night Gaming 12/03/24 Blitzkrieg Commander IV

Andrew B and Todd R held a WWII scenario at Game Nite on Tuesday doing a little work through of Blitzkrieg Commander IV. Andrew tells the story…..

“An American infantry battalion with an attached company of Shermans assaulted a town held by an understrength battalion of Wehrmacht with a Panzer IV support.”

The Americans pressed into the border of the village, using their numbers to press the defenders isolated in the buildings.

The Americans on the right flank have significantly more luck, knocking out the German armor.

“The American right pushes into the village, flanking the remaining defenders.”

“A final assault on the remaining German stronghold at the crossroads seals the day in favor of the Americans!

Andrew reports that they enjoyed the rules and that being the case we are sure to see them on a table top near you again soon. Thanks to Andrew and Todd for the great pics of what looks to be an interesting game. Thanks also to the fine staff at Game Nite for their continued support.

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