Big Muddy Historical Gaming Alliance – St. Louis December Game Day East 12/15/24

It was a fun game day at Impact Game Center in Fairview Heights, IL for our group with two great games on the table and chairs filled for both.

Top of the list was Tom Vielott’s popular Overdrive Mech Combat Game System.

Tom explains the system to the new players.

The pregame briefing.

Great looking terrain and figs in combat across the table.

There was lots of action for the new players that dove into the game.

On table two we say Warlord’s new game “Achtung Panzer” WWII Tank Skirmish gaming. The system changes many of the basics we use in our regular gaming as the game puts us in the crew of a tank as opposed to a higher level.

Les Hostetler goes over the basics of this Tank on Tank scenario on the Eastern Front.

A Soviet SU-85 Assault Gun is greeted by a card generated anti-tank gun hit. Had it been side armor the vehicle would have been toast.

The Soviets take up positions.

The German team were driving Tiger I with this one holding up in some rubbled building. The card is used to create our activation order.

A Soviet smoke screen provided cover for their river crossing.

This Tiger managed to take out the SU-85 firing through the window in the building rubble to the upper left. It took some serious gunner skill to accomplish (and some good dice rolling) but soon their after their was smoking assault gun.

The SU now gone the T-34 gets up close and personal with one of the Tigers.

The game ended with a minor German victory but one that will certainly be avenged.

Thanks to both Tom & Les for some great games and to the folks at IGC for their hospitality today!

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