Steve Lowry brought out the 54mm miniatures today as we did a run through and critique session of The Battle of Fort San Carlos in preparation for our planned Battle of St. Louis event at the St. Charles County Heritage Museum in May of 2025. It was a sight to behold.
Mark J and Steve work on the set up before the action.
The battle lines are set as Tom S dresses the line of the soon to be attacking Native American forces.
Defending our fair city today was team Mark J and Mark W who manned the parapets to hold back the assault.
Fort San Carlos stood tall over the battlefield becoming the “House of Thunder” as its cannons boomed across the open ground inflicting losses on the approaching foe.
Game one went in favor of the attackers as Team British (Tom S and Kevin F) made good progress towards the defenders. Having some spectacular dice rolls aided in this effort greatly.
The defenders whittled down by accurate British fire simply succumbed to the inevitable in game one as the attackers breached the defensive walls.
Game Two saw Steve T arrive to take over the Native American left flank and help Tom press the attack.
The Artillery Position at the top of the tower became the focus of the attackers musketry in Game Two.
The cannons on the tower not only fired at higher value than most defenders, but also had an automatic fire in the defensive fire phase before the attackers could fire or melee. Taking it out could be of great benefit to the Native Americans.
And neutralize it they did with a combined effort by Tom and Steve to first disrupt the position and then finish it off. Tom with the first hit (needing a 6) followed by Steve (needing a 6) led to the end of the artillery bombardment.
It wasn’t long before the reduced defensive fire from the defenders took its toll and the British Allies were over the wall in melee with the vastly reduced defending forces. Game Two was another victory for the Native Americans but at a much higher cost and likely would have led them to leave the battlefield.
Thanks to Steve for offering us a chance to get this sneak peak at his planned game for the upcoming planned event and to all the players with their thoughts on tweaking the scenario. Thanks also to the fine folks at Miniature Market Cave Springs for their support.