Semi Regular Retirees Game 01/09/25 SnowBrawl

The weather outside has been frightful this week, but the gaming was warm and delightful for our Semi Regular Retirees Game of Fistful of Lead using the free download scenario from Wiley Games of SnowBrawl.

There were four teams on the snowy field all trying to occupy their opponents snow fort. Team Robot (Steve T), Team Zombie (Mark W), Team Kung Fu Panda (Pat L) and Team Plastic Army Guys (Steve L) .

We modified the scenario a bit using a 6×4 foot playing area which gave the teams lots of room to maneuver. Also added a whole lot more freebie snowballs along the field with trees and snowmen as terrain. Each player had a team of 5 figs rather than the 6 called for in the published scenario due to limitations of some of the models available.

Things overall started out slow as each of the teams ventured out to grab the available freebie snow balls lying about the field represented by the blue puffballs.

A Plastic Army Guy with a free snowball that he picked up on a task roll of 3+.

Team Panda’s Master Viper had trouble collecting snowballs as they seemed to get crushed on each attempt.

After some maneuvering and evaluating the other players directions Team Zombie made a play for Fort Panda and was able to inflict enough set backs to the Panda Team as to get a Zombie inside the Fort.

With many of Team Panda’s crew benched and the Zombies in not too great shape. Team Plastic Army Guys smelled blood in the water and headed to Fort Panda which lead to a huge brawl over numerous turns.

Figs were down, they were up, they were shocked, they were benched in the scuffle as Team Panda scratched and clawed to hold on to its fort and stay in the game. Meanwhile the weakened Zombies became the target of the Robots seeking to capitalize on their fate. Only what can be described as a Hail Mary snowball throw at long range saved the day for the Zombies, benching the last available Robot.

With the Panda team getting valuable cards to pull a few off the bench at an opportune time, the Plastic Army Guys fell back to their fort. The Robots were out as was the Zombie as the Pandas went on the offensive after the breakdown of the temporary alliance. All the players seemed to agree that it was a very interesting “historically accurate” (well, maybe not historical) scenario and should prove great for the upcoming convention season.

Thanks to the players and to the fine staff at Miniature Market Cave Springs for their support.

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