Semi Regular Retirees Game 12/19/24 The Battle of The Doelling Farm in 6mm

Today’s presentation was a walk through, learning game using the FREE online set Valour & Fortitude rules from Perry Miniatures.

The scenario objective was The Doelling Farm which was known in the local area as a producer of fine beverages from their hops and barley crops.

Team USA headed by Steve L included Steve T and Mark J who faced off against team CSA run by Tom S, Burt C and Bill D. Both sides had a mixed force of cavalry, infantry and artillery with a balanced game not guaranteed by the GM as we were mostly just putting figs on the table to learn the rules.

The farm occupied by Union troops can be seen in the distance.

A view from the CSA side of the table.

CSA units lined up at the steam and ford using the cover provided to obscure their units.

CSA Cavalry caught in between Union Cavalry and infantry in the barley field. This bold attempt by Bill D to turn the Union flank didn’t turn out well, but did give us an opportunity to go through the melee rules which was a benefit for the day.

In the end it was likely a draw for the sides or perhaps given several more turns the CSA could have pushed the Union back and taken the farm. Most valuable was the opportunity to go through these interesting and easy to play rules as we prepare for the upcoming ACW event at the St. Charles Heritage Museum February 15, 2025.

Thanks to the players for their insights and helping each other through the nuances of this new to us game system. We expect to play them again in January so that we are well versed in the rules prior to the Wilson’s Creek Battle in February. Thanks also to the fine folks at Miniature Market Cave Springs for their continued support.

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